THANK YOU for asking this hugely important question.
How utterly shameful (& completely predictable) these non-answers (in all forms) from our so-called "leaders" are. Also note that Freeland, in her milquetoast Tweet, still refuses to call this, the great moral atrocity of our age, what it is - ETHNIC CLEANSING and GENOCIDE.
While I welcome Freeland's opposition to a Trump-led forced displacement, I want to know what meaningful/substantive action she will *DO* to stop it. I expect little more than feckless hand-wringing from Freeland (and prob precious little of that tbh). Though I would love for her to prove me wrong.
As for Baylis, sure we can wait & see what he says later, but I am not holding my breath. This shouldn't be hard, and all of these guys have had over a year to show where they stand.
Let us look closer at Frank's first senence: He is "deeply saddened by the loss of civilian lives"....Was there an earthquake there? Was there a hurricane or a flood or fire to cause this? Let us imagine if that same kind of statement had been made about Rwanda. We would NEVER know the cause or intent involved. The intent has been clear as stated by Israeli leaders from day one. If one ignores that, one becomes enabler of genocide.
THANK YOU for asking this hugely important question.
How utterly shameful (& completely predictable) these non-answers (in all forms) from our so-called "leaders" are. Also note that Freeland, in her milquetoast Tweet, still refuses to call this, the great moral atrocity of our age, what it is - ETHNIC CLEANSING and GENOCIDE.
While I welcome Freeland's opposition to a Trump-led forced displacement, I want to know what meaningful/substantive action she will *DO* to stop it. I expect little more than feckless hand-wringing from Freeland (and prob precious little of that tbh). Though I would love for her to prove me wrong.
As for Baylis, sure we can wait & see what he says later, but I am not holding my breath. This shouldn't be hard, and all of these guys have had over a year to show where they stand.
Pathetic. I will never vote Liberal.
They'll oppose ethnic cleansing, as long as a conservative suggests it, while keeping their mouts shut about a literal holocaust.
Wow... just wow.
Let us look closer at Frank's first senence: He is "deeply saddened by the loss of civilian lives"....Was there an earthquake there? Was there a hurricane or a flood or fire to cause this? Let us imagine if that same kind of statement had been made about Rwanda. We would NEVER know the cause or intent involved. The intent has been clear as stated by Israeli leaders from day one. If one ignores that, one becomes enabler of genocide.
It’s not Mark Carney that’s for sure