I think the comparison of the current treatment of American trans people by Immigration Canada, with that of Jews during the Holocaust, is a false analogy. There are currently no camps or ovens or anything of that magnitude pointed at trans people in the US. That's not to say they are not under threat, but why would we suddenly start admitting them but not trans people from the myriad of other countries where they are persecuted? There are many places where LGBTQ people are being killed. What's happening in the US is awful, but there is no legal defense under American law for people who attack LGTBQ people in the US.

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The MS St. Louis happened before the ovens. And Canada DOES accept queer refugees from around the world; I mention one by name.

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Canada routinely accepts queer refugees from countries like Turkey and Iran, depending on the whims of the particular Immigration and Refugee Board adjudicator who's hearing their case. But American asylum seekers can't even try their luck at the IRB because of the Safe Third Country Agreement.

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Given that this is the case, I fail to see why we are focused on a small number of trans people that MAY be under threat, when millions of Latin Americans ARE under threat. I still don't see why that was your focus, except for the fact that it involves you personally, Jake. I am supportive of anyone's right to self expression, be it regarding sexuality or any other aspect of their personality. But it seemed like you didn't have time to talk about people actually being deported, just the potential for abuse against LGTBQ people.

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