It turns out that on January 29th, Doug Ford made an interesting statement to kick off the first day of the 2025 Ontario Provincial Election!
While attending the London Police Service’s Chief’s Gala in Southwestern Ontario, Doug Ford indicated that he wants to punish criminals in a way we haven’t seen since Prime Minister Pearson:
I don’t even go 25 years. I send ‘em right to sparky and then we’ll take everything from there…we need to straighten out all these criminals…sorry for sidetracking, I just had to vent a little bit.
Does it sound to you like Ontario is about to re-elect an unhinged psychopath? Because these are the words I’m hearing between the lines:
“Hey folks, we need to kill some people! Nothing major, nothing big, just want to make the streets run with rivers of blood! Sorry to sidetrack, I just needed all of you to know that killing satisfies me in a way that nothing else ever will!”
Seriously…what the fuck? I don’t even need to ask why Doug Ford is a featured speaker at a police gala during a campaign period, because we all know that the police are not neutral and that municipal or provincial, they gladly serve at Ford’s beck and call in exchange for the freedom he gives them to oppress the public.
A lawyer in attendance of the gala claimed that the applause was sparser than for other parts of his speech, but the Toronto Star recording shows that the applause was just as loud. Clearly, many cops in the room were just as thirsty as Ford is for the opportunity to rend flesh.
A spokesperson for Ford’s campaign said that “the premier made a poor-taste joke out of frustration” and that “the premier does not support capital punishment”, and yet this was not an off-the-cuff remark.
Doug Ford told the audience of cops that he wants to seize control of the Criminal Code away from the Federal government, and in a follow-up his spokesperson told the Star they plan to institute mandatory minimums and ban accused persons from receiving ban, which are both blatant and flagrant Charter violations.
Obviously, all of these things would be plainly unconstitutional. And yet the Donald Trump example shows us that the constitution only exists when enforced.
Does it not concern anybody that Doug Ford has repeatedly called himself a US Republican, and that he admitted to being happy that Donald Trump won in November? Ford admires Trump and sees him as a role-model; if they’re fighting, it’s only because they are now in competition for the Canadian turf.
Donald Trump has seized control of the United States through an auto-coup, parlaying a legitimate election victory into an illegitimate seizure of power from Congress and the judiciary.
By sending brownshirts to use physical force, Donald Trump has successfully assumed authoritarian control of America, and reduced the three branches of government down to one person. The courts are now powerless, and Congress a circus.
Now, Doug Ford boasts to a room of police that he plans to abrogate the Canadian constitution so he can kill people, and the police clapped and cheered.
And for constitutional experts: it does not matter that this is a federal power. The only thing that matters is that Doug Ford wants the streets to run red with blood, and he has a plethora of cops whom are ready and willing to follow his murderous orders.
Think about how heavily militarized the Ontario Provincial Police are, with armoured ground vehicles and significant aerial assets. Has Doug Ford created his own brownshirt army under our noses, to seize control of Ontario and erase the Charter of Rights and Freedoms?
Just one week ago, such talk would have sounded like the inane ramblings of a conspiracist. But today, the incumbent and likely future Premier of Ontario is on tape, saying he wants to slaughter his own people.
This is real. And this is terrifying.